Dog Grooming in Vancouver

We groom all breeds of dogs, big and small!

Total price and services will depend on time, breed, type of style, condition of coat, and behaviour of pet in our care.

Bichon Frise with round haircut and tongue out at groomer's

Full Hairdos:

This full meal deal dog groom package includes a bath, fluff out dry, and your desired breed-specific, comfort, or creative pet trim style plus:

  • ear cleaning and plucking

  • nail trim

  • pad, bum, and groin shave

We offer a vast selection of trims tailored to you and your furry ones’ needs in a clipper or hand-scissored style!

Pricing depends on cut length and dog size:

  • Toy & Small Size: $85 & up

    Mid-Size: $110 & up

    Large: $130 & up

    Gentle Giants: $180 & up

  • Toy & Small Size: $95 & up

    Mid-Size: $150 & up

    Large: $180 & up

    Gentle Giants: $220 & up

Large black Newfoundland dog in grooming area with pink wall and grooming equipment.

Bath and Fluff:

This package includes a bath, fluff out dry, and a tidy up of grooming around the eyes and feet plus:

  • ear cleaning and plucking

  • nail trim

  • pad, bum, and groin shave

Keep your dog’s groom looking its best as it grows out with a bath and fluff service.

Pricing depends on cut length and dog size:

  • Toy & Small Size: $50 & up

    Mid-Size: $70 & up

    Large: $90 & up

    Gentle Giants: $180 & up

  • Toy & Small Size: $60 & up

    Mid-Size: $90 & up

    Large: $150 & up

    Gentle Giants: $200 & up

Black dog with long, corded fur and a topknot standing in a grooming salon with pink walls.

Rockstar Hairdos:

Make your pet the bark of the town! Add-on feather extensions, mohawks, lion cuts, bell bottoms, or customize with your own unique ideas.

Add-On: $15-25 to your groom.

Puppy in a bathtub covered with soap, licking its nose.

Bath and Towel Dry:

Same Day Bath And Towel Dry Service Now Available!

Save 20% Now Through April 30th!

For those extra muddy Vancouver days!

  • Small: $20 & up

  • Mid-Size: $40 & up

  • Large: $60 & up

  • Gentle Giants: $80 & up

Walk-In Services:

The following services are available as walk-in regular business days from 9 am - 4 pm. No appointment required!

  • Nails: $15-25

  • Dremel Nails: $25

  • Anal Glands: $15

  • Teeth Brushing: $8

  • Ear Cleaning and Plucking: $15

  • Rear or Eye Trim: $5-$25


In addition to our Walk-In Services, the following can be added to booked appointments:

  • Hypo Shampoos: $5-$10

  • Coat Conditioners: $3-$10

  • Coat Whitening $3-$10

  • Deskunk Shampoo: $25 on top of groom

  • Carding: $10 per 10 minutes with bath or $14 per 10 minutes without

    Carding is a de-shedding technique often used on show dogs. It leaves a noticeable difference in the amount of shed hair found in the pet’s environment (60-80%). The process keeps the coat and skin healthier and clean. Skin and hair follicles can breathe easier, thus relieving much itching, rubbing and scratching. Carding is recommended four times a year (during the change in seasons) or when excessive shedding is noticed.

Policies and Charges:

  • Grooming touch-ups can be done within 48 hours of the original appointment. Please call us to discuss.

  • Late Arrival: $10

  • Late Pick-Up: $10 for the first half hour, then $5 every half hour after that.

  • No Show (without 24-hour cancellation notification): $25

  • Poop Fee: $5

    Please walk your dog before their appointment – nobody likes to get their hair did when they need to poop!

  • Bugs and Fleas: $25

    If we find any bugs on your pet we must immediately do extra cleaning and flea bathing as we must make sure no other furry pals get them. We ask you to keep your pet on a flea treatment to avoid any contamination to others!

Total price and services will depend on time, breed, type of style, condition of coat, and behaviour of pet in our care.